• We are working with the Town of Aberdeen – Mayor, Commissioners, and Town Manager – to keep Page Memorial Library as a part of the Sandhill Regional Library System. The intent is to keep this historic building as a part of the library system – continuing the long history of public library service to the community. One of the suggestions being considered is to make the facility a repository for historical documents/information about Aberdeen and its founding families.

  • The building and furnishings are owned and maintained by the Town of Aberdeen, the books are provided by the Sandhills Regional Library System, an affiliate of the N C State Library. The staff are Moore County employees whose salary is supplemented by the Town. The Friends of the Library supplement with financial assistance and volunteer time.

  • You are welcome to contribute any amount at any time

  • Yes, all contributions are tax deductible. We are a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.

  • We will provide letters to all donors within the first two weeks of January of each year that can be used to file with your taxes.

  • This depends on many factors, the first of which is raising money to renovate the Aberdeen Wholesale Grocery building at 123 Exchange St.

    This 4000 sq. ft. building, built beside the railroad in 1912 belongs to the Town, and has been offered and accepted by the Friends of the Aberdeen Library to convert into a modern library.

    It has great "bones", but requires a great deal of "re-fitting" to serve our needs.

    Our organization and the Town of Aberdeen have formed a public/private partnership to accomplish this.

    1. We have monthly meetings (fourth Thursday of each month at 6pm at the Aberdeen Fire Department EOC room) – everyone is welcome to attend

    2. Spread the word to your friends and neighbors about what we are working to accomplish

    3. Like us on FaceBook and Instagram and keep checking our web page for updates

    4. Help us secure talking engagements with civic organizations so we can spread the word.

    5. Save us as your charity of choice on AmazonSmile.com

    6. Monetary donations will help us raise funds for renovation

    7. Attend our events and bring a friend. We have regular used book sales and an Annual Car Show in the fall.

    8. Volunteer your expertise. We are a group of volunteers. We could always use help from the community.